
 曾经有个死美工  4  10168





而该枪我最喜欢的设计是框架式枪托和M1911握把片的使用。这让我非常好奇原枪到底是什么样子的,本着房事问百度的原则,我在枪炮世界吧找到了设计者Dave Lauck的网站D&L Sports™, Inc.在网站中,并没有找到“黑桃K”的图片,但找到了相似的型号。




设计者Dave Lauck似乎非常喜欢M1911,网站内除了各种订制的M1911外,我还发现了一把使用M1911握把片的折刀,非常有意思。


MR-30PG Precision Rifles是目前在D&L Sports™, Inc.网站上展示的型号,与“黑桃K”相比框架式枪托有所不同,枪管、枪机与枪身结合的部分也有很大的改变。


Hey Dave,

Just wanted to update you on how well my rifle is performing. Everything is excellent as expected! I had so many compliments during my time at the range today, I’m very proud to have this rifle to represent me as a shooter!

Thank you!

Precision Rifle Shooter



I feel theBlack King MR-30PG you made for me is a masterpiece! You are the best Dave!

Precision Rifle Shooter


Bolt action rifle shooters should understand the difference between push feed bolt actions and controlled round feed bolt actions. If you are operating a controlled round feed bolt action (CRF) you should always load the chamber by cycling cartridges into the chamber from the magazine. Do not direct load a cartridge into the chamber by hand, then close the bolt over the cartridge case head. This stresses the extractor. If it is not an emergency situation, do not do it.

As a safety measure, if you are using a bolt action rifle with the fine trigger, do your movements and transports with an empty chamber. In shooting position, keep your bolt handle fully raised as a mechanical safety until you have determined the need to fire.


在介绍页面底部的“用户反馈”中,似乎MR-30PG Precision Rifles才是真正的“黑桃K”狙击步枪,而握把贴片上似乎也有“黑桃K”的图案,这特么就很尴尬了……当然,MR-30PG Precision Rifles也可能是改进款,所以同是“黑桃K”也不一定呢~




图片来源:《生死狙击》第一季截图、D&L Sports™, Inc.网站、《名枪》杂志


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  1. 江昆之 2018-7-17 09:37 #1


  2. 曾经有个死美工 2018-7-17 09:45 #2


  3. 犟拐拐 2018-7-20 19:07 #3


  4. 曾经有个死美工 2018-7-21 13:12 #4
