Traveling Toaster: Carl Zoch Photography

 Carl Zoch  评论已关闭  6163

The Toaster Photographer Carl Zoch isn’t the type of person who becomes deeply attached to his belongings. But when he sold his things and moved into a Honda Element, the rig naturally grew on him. After all, it was home. Fast forward years later with many adventures and shenanigans in between Zoch and his “Toaster,” which was ultimately totaled beyond repair. It was finally time to bid farewell. With these images, Zoch pays tribute to his loyal Toaster and the many adventures they shared together.Zoch: Doing laundry on the road typically presents challenges. I like to think of these challenges as opportunities. Here we are making camp for the night in the Sawtooth Mountains after a long mountain bike ride.
Buffalo River, Arkansas I kicked off my life on the road with a month-long canoe trip exploring the Buffalo River in Arkansas. This is a self portrait at sunrise, celebrating the magic of all things coffee!

Moab, Utah Moab, Utah, was a frequent destination when traveling through the West. The place is nothing short of awesome—mountain bike trails and rock climbing routes everywhere you look.
Moab, Utah Brett Olson curing the desert hunger pains after mountain biking on the Porcupine Rim in Moab.
Sawtooth Range, Idaho Searching for home for the night among the mazes of dirt roads in the Sawtooth Range.
Sawtooth Range, Idaho Putting the finishing touches on home for the night. We had views of the Sawtooth Mountain Range to our left and our laundry to the right.
Yosemite, California. With the right tools in your arsenal, you can work from “home” pretty much anywhere. Here I am in Yosemite, California.
Yosemite, California Yosemite is a home away from home. I took some time to spend a few nights at Upper Cathedral Lake and stayed up most of those nights photographing the stars. This is a long exposure of the North Star above the famous Cathedral Peak.
Lee Vining, California A late night after-party and jam session at the Mobile Gas Station in Lee Vining, California. Thirty people gather around the Element while Steven Charles plays guitar on the car’s rooftop.
PNW Another tailgate breakfast in the Pacific Northwest. Space was limited in the Honda Element so cooking off of the rear bike rack was always a reliable go-to.
Mt. Baker, Washington Long live the Cascades! I always celebrate the opportunity to travel back to my homeland, the Pacific Northwest. This photo is taken while approaching the summit of Mount Baker.
Mount Saint Helens, Washington Waiting out the rain while cooking breakfast near Mount Saint Helens. We rode Ape Canyon, an incredible singletrack mountain bike ride.
Bellingham, Washington After a stint in Canada, I found a quiet spot only a few miles from Bellingham, Washington, to call home for the night. Dry bags are key for throwing extra gear on the roof in order to maximize space inside the Element.
Mount Hood, Oregon. Perhaps it’s because I grew up on this mountain, but I harbor any opportunity to camp out with views of what I deem the Mothership.
Oregon Coast Rainy days on the coast prove cooking outside to be difficult. The dashboard cutting board always delivers.
Cascade Mountains My little brother took this photograph one morning while in the Cascades. I was so psyched that I could reach everything to make coffee without getting out of bed.
Banff, Canada I sat on a rock for ten hours while shooting a timelapse at Lake Moraine in Banff. Coffee was the mode of survival.
Oregon Coast Life on the Oregon Coast. Filled with surfboards and two-wheel-drive shenanigans in the sand.
Mount Saint Helens Mount Saint Helens sitting beautifully on the horizon on a clear summer evening. Another favorite spot to dwell while living on the road.
Everywhere The mighty blue water bottle is a lifeline while living on the road. From cold showers in the morning to a dish-washing station at night, this is the tool for longevity in secluded areas.
The Mountains Celebrating the nightlife between mountain passes.


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