让你的手机满电:Sandy飓风的教训(Lessons of Sandy: How to keep your phone juiced longer)
这年头手机和数码设备已经成为日常必需, 一旦断电无法工作, 不能获知外界的情况, 后果可能会非常严重.
比如11.3雪灾遇难的几个日本游客, 综合报道看他们并没有获知暴雪预警(但不是手机没电, 而是当地手机信号不好), 才被雨夹雪困在距离村庄10几公里的山路上.
随身带一个轻便充电设备, 哪怕是一根USB线.
笔记本电脑作为手机外接电源也不错, 但有的笔记本在休眠状态无法给手机充电.
文章还建议带个长的旅行插线板, 这是经验之谈, 因为经常会发现麦当劳之类的地方墙上只有一个插孔.
文章还建议带个长的旅行插线板, 这是经验之谈, 因为经常会发现麦当劳之类的地方墙上只有一个插孔.
1:52PM EDT November 1. 2012 – Question: How can I keep my phone running as long as possible during a natural disaster like Sandy?
Answer: For all the grief that the wireless carriers get for dropping calls in ordinary circumstances, they’ve earned a lot of credit this week for keeping some service intact even as Hurricane Sandy punched the lights out up and down the Northeast Corridor.
You can’t guarantee that the carriers’ under-recognized efforts to build more resilient systems and back up their towers with batteries and standby generators will overcome the next super-storm — they still lost as much as 20 percent of their cell sites in New York this week. But a few steps will maximize your chances of getting useful information and staying in touch with the outside world over surviving wireless networks.
The most important one among them is having an external charger that can replenish a phone’s battery multiple times, yet is light enough to carry to the nearest working outlet. Most of you already own one: a laptop computer.
Keep a laptop plugged in when idle at home — or at least do that once the weather forecasts turn foreboding — and you can recharge your phone by plugging it into one of its USB ports. On some models, you may need to wake the laptop to get power flowing to the phone, but you should then be able to close the computer’s screen as the mobile device continues to recharge.
It also helps to keep a few extra cables for your phone handy. Any new Android phone will take a standard micro-USB cable (buy generic models online to save money); 30-pin dock-connector cables for older iPhones are also widely available, but that’s not the case with Apple’s new Lightning cable. Having a travel-sized power strip may also help avoid conflict when you find only one outlet open at a coffee shop, convenience store, generator or even another power strip.


west village的一哥们用自行车发电机给大家充电. 头灯也需要电源阿

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